
Political polarization is painful, and we’ve grown really bored with it.  In response, we have created this website based on Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, London England, where people of varying perspectives can come together for respectful discussions and debate.  

The DPS community needs to come together and try to find issues we all agree on and build from there.  Of course there will be areas of disagreement and the need to “agree to disagree”, but we have to figure out how to do that without seeing fellow community members as “THEM”.

Site Rules: 

# 1 – Watch this video and please bring a similar mindset when visiting this site.

# 2 – Understand that you don’t have all the answers for K-12 education. Personally, we’ve never been that confident and nor should you.  

# 3 – Be respectful. Argue the merits of your position and never make things personal, and simply be compassionate to your fellow citizens. We can all be an annoying sometimes and we know when we are, so please just don’t do it here. 

#4 – Don’t take things personally.  Specifically, just because someone has a different opinion than you, it doesn’t mean they think you are a bad person and don’t take it personally. 

#5 – Just because it happened to you, doesn’t mean you can generalize to everyone and every situation.  Of course your experience can be something worth discussing and a sign of a more generalized fact, but it just isn’t in and of itself. 

#6 – When you come across interesting materials, i.e. articles, research, videos etc. please submit them here. 

#7 – Ask yourself if at times you hate “others” more than you love the kids? We are certainly guilty of this sometimes, and then  fall into the “I’ll show them” mindset.  However, please refer to rule #2 and realize in the future, roles may switch, and when you are wrong, how would you want someone to come at you?  

Come on DPS community, we can do this!!   DPSCommunity.org@gmail.com